
作于: 2018 年 12 月 20 日,预计阅读时间 8 分钟

0. intro

元类是 python 里被说烂了的一个东西,然而日常用到的地方实在不多,每次想到都得查一下谷歌,想想干脆在博客留个笔记好了。


1. type

提到元类不得不说一下 python 的类型系统。

python 的 class 也被视作一个对象,定制一个 class 的构造过程其实就和平时在 class 定义里写__init__没啥区别。

python3 里类的类型是typetype又继承自objectobject的父类是自己,构成一个奇怪的闭环。其中,type本身是一个特殊的类,他是自己的实例。

graph TB;
	type --> |inherite|object;
	type --> |instance-of| type;
	object --> |instance-of|type;
	other-cls --> |instance-of| type;
	other-cls --> |inherite| object;
	other-cls-instance --> |instance-of|other-cls;


# usage with one argument
type(object) # 返回对象的类型,这里返回的是 `type`

# usage with three arguments
type(name, bases, attr) # 返回新创建的类型

2. meta class


class MyClass(basecls1, basecls2, metaclass=MetaClass, named1=arg, named2=arg): ...



def meta_f(name, bases, attr):
	return type(name, bases, attr)

class A(metaclass=meta_f): ...


class MetaC(type):
	def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr):
		return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr)

class A(metaclass=MetaC): ...


def meta(name, bases, attr, named_arg, optional_arg=None):
	return type(name, bases, dict(**attr, arg=named_arg, option=optional_arg))

class A(metaclass=meta, named_arg="hi"): ...

print(A.arg)  # output: hi


3. 元类继承规则


首先看元类的在创建类的过程中的位置,摘自 python 文档3.3.3.1. Metaclasses

  • MRO entries are resolved
  • the appropriate metaclass is determined
  • the class namespace is prepared
  • the class body is executed
  • the class object is created

一旦处理完继承链(mro, method resolve order)之后,就会决定采用哪个 metaclass 作为构造这个类的元类。

在 python 文档的3.3.3.3 determining the appropriate metaclass中描述了如何确定合适的元类,摘录如下。

  • if no bases and no explicit metaclass are given, then type() is used
  • if an explicit metaclass is given and it is not an instance of type(), then it is used directly as the metaclass
  • if an instance of type() is given as the explicit metaclass, or bases are defined, then the most derived metaclass is used



most derived metaclass


The most derived metaclass is selected from the explicitly specified metaclass (if any) and the metaclasses (i.e. type(cls)) of all specified base classes. The most derived metaclass is one which is a subtype of all of these candidate metaclasses. If none of the candidate metaclasses meets that criterion, then the class definition will fail with TypeError.




在这里提醒一下,issubclass(cls, cls)的结果是True。换句话说,必须有一个类是所有元类的子类,或者所有基类有相同的元类。


class MetaA(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr):
        print('MetaA <- '+name)
        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr)

class MetaB(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr):
        print('MetaB <- '+name)
        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr)

class BaseA: ...
class BaseB(metaclass=MetaA): ...
class BaseC(metaclass=MetaB): ...

# 未指定元类,基类元类分别是type和type的子类,则选择继承链底部的那个类
class A(BaseA, BaseB): ...  # Ok,元类是 MetaA

# 指定元类,元类和基类元类相同的情况下,元类就是那个元类
class C(BaseB, metaclass=MetaA): ...  # Ok,元类是 MetaA

# 指定元类,元类并不处于继承链底端的情况下,元类选择继承链底端的类
class D(BaseB, metaclass=type): ...  # Ok,元类是 MetaA

# 指定元类,但元类和父类无父子类关系
class E(BaseC, metaclass=MetaA): ...  # TypeError

# 不指定元类,基类具有不同的元类
class F(BaseA,BaseB,BaseC): ...  # TypeError


MetaA <- A
MetaA <- C
MetaA <- D

In [71]: class E(BaseC, metaclass=MetaA): ...  # TypeError
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-71-9129a36c52b2> in <module>
----> 1 class E(BaseC, metaclass=MetaA): ...  # TypeError

TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

In [72]: class F(BaseA,BaseB,BaseC): ...  # TypeError
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-1c510edd69d1> in <module>
----> 1 class F(BaseA,BaseB,BaseC): ...  # TypeError

TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases


  • 如果指定了元类,并且该元类不是 type 的实例,那么直接使用这个元类。


def MetaA(name, bases, attr):
    print("MetaA <- "+name)
    return type(name, bases, attr)

class MetaB(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attr):
        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attr)

class A(MetaB, metaclass=MetaA): ...  # Ok,无条件选择元类 MetaA
